Volume 1

Art and Photography Exhibition & Competition

September 2023

In honour of DOORDOM opening its doors, visual artists and photographers were invited for the open theme Volume 1 competition, with no rigidity in subject matter or medium, to showcase the best of their talent without having to cater to a theme, as well as to celebrate our launch with us.


Omid Lalekh

Omid Lalekh is a digital artist with a background in game development, exploring classical narratives through gamification and applied technology.

Digital, 2022

Diana Siifo

Diana Siifo is an illustrator and a visual artist, who has taken her practice from book illustrating to exhibitions and art collectors, while staying faithful to the subject matter and focusing her work on folklore.

Fisherman's Daughters, 
felt-tip pens on paper, 2022


Stephanie Mercedes

'HR', digital, 2021

Victoria Mazetti

'Petals', digital photography, 2022

Iris Dubaku

'Mom, come here'oil pastels on canvas,                     30 x 70 cm, 2020

Alexander Ogenero

'Cemetery blues', felt-tip pen on paper,                     21 x 80 cm, 2022

Anna Pesterenko

'Daily', pen on paper, 150 x 80 cm, 2021

Malai Anong

'Positioned', mixed media, photographic print,       80 x 80 cm, 2021

Abdil Keshakhee

'Not alone', digital photography, 2022

Nikki Douglas

'Chloe', pencil and marker on paper,                               21 x 29.7 cm     

You can submit your art for future exhibitions and prizes here

You can submit your photography for future exhibitions and prizes here