Facade DC [digital | 2024] NFS

Gary Duehr has been chosen as a Best Emerging Artist in New England by the International Association of Art Critics, and he has received an Artist Grant in photography from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. His work has been featured in museums and galleries including the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA; MOMA PS 1, New York, NY; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA; and Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba, as well as exhibitions in Tokyo, Venice, Stockholm, London and Barcelona. Past awards include grants from the LEF Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.

His public artworks include a video artwork for the Canadian subway system; a photo installation funded by the Visible Republic program of New England Foundation for the Arts, and a commission from the MBTA (Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority) for a permanent photo installation at North Station.

Duehr has written about the arts for journals including ArtScope, Art New England, Art on Paper, Communication Arts, Frieze, and Public Culture. Currently he manages Bromfield Gallery in Boston's South End.

“Facades": in these entryways to seats of power—including banking, media, and retail—the spaces appear almost sacred in their polished surfaces and lush adornments.”

— Gary Duehr

Columns flank the revolving doors.

Flags, abstract paintings and potted plants provide decoration.

And along the street, the underside of power may also be glimpsed.

Taken at night or early morning, these photographs reveal no-man's-lands that are largely deserted, except for a guard or two. The vast floors glow under fluorescent illumination. The effect is as massive and impenetrable as a military fortress or Greek temple—so that the supplicants are awed, made to believe that these edifices are eternal and immutable.


With a strong network of artists and industry professionals, Doordom operates from a place of unique access and encourages all photographers to participate in the competition